Why you want to leave your company within six months of joining?

You might have come across your friends, relatives or any of your acquaintances or might be this happened with yourself, that after joined a company you feel depressed and devastated and want to leave your current organization as early as possible, you are not happy in your job at all and are wondering here and there to look for any new job opportunity. This is a very serious issue these days lot of people are facing and complaining. Why this happens? When you are jobless you want job, whatever the profile and pay packages that company offers to you because you want to survive in the marketplace. I have seen lots of the people don't even read the job description or they don't even ask in the interview what would be their work profile. sometimes companies also not reveal all about the job profile, and once you are on board you are surprised that you need to perform the tasks which you never imagined in your wildest dream or which are different from what the job profile company promised or the work conditions for which you are not prepared or comfortable. Few people are meant to be adaptable to variations but not all; because they don't want to fight with the situation they want their own share of money at the month's end that's it. But those who want to make their career for them this situation is very difficult to face. They have invested so many years and their parent's hard earned money not to get this type of job profile and so to come out of this situation they start with the strenuous process of job searching. If you find yourself in the same situation get out of it right now, otherwise you will spoil your future career. There are many reasons why someone wants to leave his/her company only after joining 2-3 month, following are the few reasons there might be other reasons also,

* The Financial problem, as you might not get paid adequate or underpaid. 
* Family and peer pressure

*Ignorant or not well informed about the job profile offered and company culture.

* Location constraints.
* Not getting salary on time and what was promised.
* Company leave policy
*No scope for future growth.

So the question is how to avoid this type of situation?
If you want to make your career then you need to be firm and don't compromise on the job front, don’t join the company which is not giving you promising career, go through the job description as all the information related to job responsibilities are mentioned there, asked as many questions you can in the interview to clear your doubts, research about the company , find out the company employees and take their reviews before taking a decision, don’t join the company only  because of pay packages,
Ask yourself theses questions,
What is there for me to explore my career?
Why should I join this particular company?
What value addition or experience would I gain?
What are the future opportunities for me?
Is this the type of company which I dreamed about?
I think after answering these questions, you will definitely take a better decision.
If you plan and search properly, you will surly find your dream job on your terms, but you need to be patient and well informed about your field of work and the job market. You must be equipped with all the tools needed to fight your battle in the job market. Narrow down your vision of 180 degrees to 90 degrees so that you can be focused in only one direction. Don’t get distracted by what others have chosen or what they are doing, focus on your target. You need to be like racing horse you are not allowed to stop in-between the race and completely focus on your target.

Best Luck...!

Why you want to leave your company within six months of joining? Why you want to leave your company within six months of joining? Reviewed by Admin on 10:41:00 AM Rating: 5

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