Requirement for Engineers | Gokul Mauli Sugars Limited | Solapur
Gokul Mauli Sugars Limited is a Public incorporated on 19 February 2015. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Pune. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 400,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 250,000,000.It is inolved in Manufacture of other food products
Requirement for Engineers in Gokul Mauli Sugars Limited at Solapur Locations
Instrumentation Manager
M.E / B.E in Instrumentation Engineering
Asst Engineering
B.E mechanical / DME With Boiler proficiency certificates
Asst Engineer - Electrical
Graduate In Electrical Engineering
Asst Engineer - Instrumentation
B.E in Instrumentation Engineering
Safety Officer
Graduate In Safety / Diploma in Safety Management
Address: Gokul Mauli Sugars Limited, Talavad, Ta - Akkalkot ,Dist - Solapur
Requirement for Engineers in Gokul Mauli Sugars Limited at Solapur Locations
Instrumentation Manager
M.E / B.E in Instrumentation Engineering
Asst Engineering
B.E mechanical / DME With Boiler proficiency certificates
Asst Engineer - Electrical
Graduate In Electrical Engineering
Asst Engineer - Instrumentation
B.E in Instrumentation Engineering
Safety Officer
Graduate In Safety / Diploma in Safety Management
Interested Candidates send their Resume along with education document to the company Address by post or Email to Company Email Address Withing 10 day from Date of Advertisement.
Contact Company : Gokul Mauli Sugars Limited
Address: Gokul Mauli Sugars Limited, Talavad, Ta - Akkalkot ,Dist - Solapur
Solapur - 413219 MH
Telephone: 0217 - 2607101 / 2607102
Email Address :
Requirement for Engineers | Gokul Mauli Sugars Limited | Solapur
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