Requirement for Assistant Professor | Construction Technology and Management | Indian Institute of Technology | Bhubaneswar | 3 - 5 yrs
Job Description:
Advertisement No. Rectt/01/Acad/2016-17
Pay Band: Minimum Pay in Pay Band: PB-3: Rs. 15600 – Rs. 39100/-
Academic Grade Pay: Rs. 8000/-
Gross Pay at the Minimum of Scale as on 30.06.2016: Rs. 96700/-
Minimum Qualification: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent in the preceding degree in appropriate branch, with a consistently very good academic record and evidence of ability to pursue independent high quality research.
Experience: At least 3 years teaching/research/industrial/professional experience excluding the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D. Candidates should be highly motivated towards teaching and research and should have demonstrated research capabilities in terms of publications in reputed journals and referred conferences.
Reservation: As per GoI norms.
Those who had applied against the rolling advertisement after February 2016 are requested to update their biodata available in the new portal.
Apply Online:
Candidates possessing the requisite qualifications and experiences are requested to apply online at following the instructions therein. The online portal will allow the candidate to print the filled-in application after successful electronic submission. The portal will also allow for editing after submission
For more details:
Reference Id:
Advertisement No. Rectt/01/Acad/2016-17
Pay Band: Minimum Pay in Pay Band: PB-3: Rs. 15600 – Rs. 39100/-
Academic Grade Pay: Rs. 8000/-
Gross Pay at the Minimum of Scale as on 30.06.2016: Rs. 96700/-
Minimum Qualification: Ph.D. with first class or equivalent in the preceding degree in appropriate branch, with a consistently very good academic record and evidence of ability to pursue independent high quality research.
Experience: At least 3 years teaching/research/industrial/professional experience excluding the experience gained while pursuing Ph.D. Candidates should be highly motivated towards teaching and research and should have demonstrated research capabilities in terms of publications in reputed journals and referred conferences.
Reservation: As per GoI norms.
Those who had applied against the rolling advertisement after February 2016 are requested to update their biodata available in the new portal.
Apply Online:
Candidates possessing the requisite qualifications and experiences are requested to apply online at following the instructions therein. The online portal will allow the candidate to print the filled-in application after successful electronic submission. The portal will also allow for editing after submission
For more details:
Reference Id:
Requirement for Assistant Professor | Construction Technology and Management | Indian Institute of Technology | Bhubaneswar | 3 - 5 yrs
Reviewed by Admin
6:47:00 PM
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